Saturday, October 8, 2016


I managed to get a photo Friday morning. I love the landscape in Colorado. But I have to admit, I love the landscape in Iowa as well. For now and the rest of the weekend I will enjoy where I am.

I am grateful my mom still has spunk. She still knows how and when to flip someone off :)

I am grateful for a busy Friday at work as it makes the day go faster. 

I am grateful for making another dinner that Ken enjoyed. 


I am grateful for starting my day by working out. 

I am grateful for going to an auction with Mike - over the phone. 

I am grateful for winning one of the 4 quilts I asked Mike to bid on. 

I am grateful for going to the store with mom and buying myself some new running shoes. 

I am grateful for leftovers. 

I am grateful for completing a logistics committee task. 

This might seem like a boring list but for me it is a reminder that no matter how bad the day might seem to be I can always find something to be grateful for. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thirsty Thursday

Today was cooking day. Started out making pumpkin muffins this morning. I had everything I needed on hand. I must have been thinking ahead on one of my last trips out west.

Then I went to the store for a few ingredients for both dinner and dessert. Dinner was a beer brat cheesy soup. Hence the thirsty Thursday - had to go buy beer. And since a 6 pack is the smallest and the recipe only called for one I had to taste test :-)

For dessert I made pineapple upside down cupcakes. The recipe was only supposed to make 12 but I managed to get 14. The two single cupcakes had us all laughing until we cried.

Blessed to be in Colorado! Remember yesterday I was grateful that my mom hadn't forgotten who I am.Well last night she asked where is Debbie. I was sitting across from her and said "I'm right here". She said, "No, the other Debbie". I guess I spoke too soon. On a good note, she smacked me on my butt today and didn't say, "Your ass is getting big".

Mom also took a walk with me tonight. The day started out cloudy with some rain, but it was sunny and pleasant this afternoon. You have to focus on the positive as the negative is so often out of your control.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Tuesday and Wednesday

A photo journey should have photos. I have one photo for the last two days, but many things to be grateful for.

I am grateful I can afford to gift my kids with groceries. I am grateful for Brennan and Noah and their dinner choice. I am grateful for Michael and Madison and their cooking skills. I am grateful for spending the evening with three of my boys and two of my girls.

We had a chicken pizza that tasted a bit like lasagna - good stuff. And a chicken, bacon, strawberry, balsamic pizza - amazing. White and red wine brought from Iowa. Laughter, family, pets, lively discussions - perfect evening.

And then today, Wednesday October 10th. I am grateful for being able to work from my mother's home in Colorado. She is slipping fast and has almost no short term memory. But she is happy and she remembers who I am most times.

I am grateful for the taste of Haagen Dazs ice cream.

I am grateful being able to stay busy at work.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Playing Catch Up Again

I am grateful the car ride was uneventful and we made it to Colorado. I've seen everyone except Noah and I'll have to wait until Tuesday to see him.

It was great to have travel companions. Thank you Tessa for the great conversation! And Kia - you are a good traveler as well.

I have no idea what this is supposed to be. It was in the water at our first rest stop. I just want to go on record that Tessa and I only had to stop twice! I am grateful for clean rest stops and an interesting thing to two to see during the drive across Nebraska. 

I am grateful for being able to see my boys (even Noah even though I haven't seen him yet). I love them without excuse, without limit, and without strings. 

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Saturday Blessings on Saturday

I spent most of my time in the kitchen today - and I enjoyed it. I made chocolate chip cookies, lemon cookies, and miniature chocolate chip pumpkin muffins. Enough to take to Colorado AND to send back to IWCC with Jordan. Besides the baking we actually had a nice breakfast; fried eggs, sausage, and toast. And in the midst of the baking we cooked a pizza for lunch.

I also realized to day I missed washing laundry for the boys. Not because I love washing, drying, and folding laundry, but because I like to do things for them that they appreciate. Jordan actually brought home laundry this time. Although it was hardly a full load. I think he keeps up with it pretty well over there in Council Bluffs. 

And I made it to the library. Hopefully both Tessa and I enjoy this book on the way to Colorado. We are planning on leaving at 5 am. OK, I'm planning on leaving at 5 am and Tessa is along for the ride. I can't wait to see the boys, Maddie, my mom and Ken, and all of the animals, especially Diesel. 

Almost Forgot

Almost forgot to post my blessings and gratitude for Friday. This probably means a combined Saturday and Sunday, but we'll see how it goes.

I am grateful for warm socks on cold feet.

I am grateful for a cup of warm tea. Thank you to Angie Sour for introducing me to Sweet and Spicy tea and Amazon for caring it. Now I can have it delivered directly to my home and I don't have to go searching to find it. And thank you Noah for the mugs. This is one of four and still a favorite set. 

I am grateful for Jordan coming home to spend homecoming weekend and I am grateful I was able to listen to the game on the radio.